How to turn off Google Assistant

Google Assistant has been an important part of our daily lives. You can use it in almost every situation, and it continues to learn new skills almost every day. You can plan your projects, play your favorite songs, and even answer any odd questions you may have. Yet it also has a curious habit of turning up from time to time for no cause at all.

Follow these instructions How to turn off Google Assistant.

How to turn off Google Assistant:


Shutting down this option is a breeze, but it can be difficult to locate the right menu since it’s buried deep in its settings. Here are the step-by-step steps that you will need to follow:

  • Go to your Google App and open it on your tablet.
  • Tap the top of your profile picture ( “More” button below) and then choose settings.
  • Tap the “Assistant to Google” button.
  • Scroll down to the “General”  portion
  • Turn the slider next to “Google Assistant” and you’re done.

Of course, if you’re going to turn your assistant back on, you’re going to take nearly all the same moves. However, once you hit stage five, you’ll only have to turn the knob in the opposite direction.

How to turn off Google Assistant Android Smartwatch

To toggle off Google Assistant on your Android Watch, simply tap the Settings Cog button, then select Customization. From there, turn off OK Google Detection.

So, you’ve got it there. That’s how this digital helper can be turned off with just a few clicks.

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